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The Perfect Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle with Eat The Kiwi’s Cooler Bags!
Eat The Kiwi believes in sustainability and so here it is! We’re launching our very first cooler bag recycling project from tomorrow onwards! Each bag will be sterilized before being reused.

cloudy bay storm clams

Cuba Libre for the summer

eggs with mussel power.

3 creative feijoa solutions.
At this point, it is no secret that a lot of us wait with anticipation for this time every year, as we eagerly reintroduce one of our all time best sellers—the delicious feijoas (or pineapple guava, if you will)!
But how to tell when they are ready to be eaten? For starters, they smell absolutely amazing—like pungent aromatic guava or pineapples!
They will also be a little soft when ripe–similar to avocados. And If they’re still rock hard, simply place them together in a bowl for a day or two. Problem solved :)
Feijoas can be eaten at a tasty snack, though some people may not be the biggest fan of the skin. We love to slice them open and scoop out the flesh—as you would with kiwi or passionfruit. Feel free to smash these back to back as Feijoas won't make you sick if you gorge yourself on them!
On that note, we thought it was only fair that we also highlight some of our favourite ways of using them in the kitchen, while they last…
Add Them Into Your Smoothies
It’s the perfect healthy breakfast you can make at home! To start, have your feijoa chopped and peeled; place the bits and pieces into a blender with some bananas, spinach leaves, and ice cubes.
Once they become smooshy, slowly and gently add your favourite yogurt and milk until it becomes creamy. Don’t forget to top it off with some cereals as well!
Alternatively, you can also pair them with the kiwifruit—adding a little bit of greenery never hurts.
Make Your Own Feijoa Ice Cream (No Fancy Ice-Cream Machine Needed)
With plenty of feijoas that come with your purchase, why let them go to waste?
Just make sure that you freeze them in order to get the ice-creamy texture that isn’t too soft. To firm it up a little bit more, it’s as easy as placing it back in the freezer for another 20-30 minutes!
As a side tip, we recommend pairing it with other tropical fruits, such as avocados, pineapples, or passion fruit.
Have a look at the rest of the recipe here, courtesy of Nadia Lim media.
Adding Them to Your Cocktail
Mix it up with vodka, sugar, and lime! The bearing soft, sweet flesh, and subtle tangy flavour of feijoas are just right for spicing up your afternoon or evening cocktails.
To do this, "simply scoop out the flesh of two feijoas per Caipiroska and whiz in a blender for several seconds. Pour into a glass, add the sugar, squeeze in juice from lime wedges, add the wedges to the mix, then muddle just enough to dissolve the sugar. Add vodka and stir together. Fill another glass completely with crushed ice and strain contents over top. Garnish with a sprig of mint and extra lime if desired." Courtesy of The Denizen.
Have a picture of your DIY feijoa recipe? Post it on social media and tag us @eatthekiwihk!

oil spray myths, debunked.
Oil—arguably one of the most important ingredients in cooking, and the pantry stable you can hardly live without. As with any cooking spray, or in particular that of Alfa Rice Bran, there are also a few myths about its use and health benefits.
So, we spoke to our in-house expert, Tim, who generously debunked some of the myths and outlined some important tips—from your cooking preference right down to the ingredients you're using—to look out for when you embark on your next tasty adventure in the kitchen.
Ready to make sure your meal comes out extra delicious? Let’s have a read!
Your Air-Fryer Cooking Essential
Generally speaking, the best oils are high smoke point—or flashpoint—oils that won’t burn at high temperatures.
Because air fryer cooking has the cooking element/coils close to the food, this gives ways to potential smoking and burning, compromising the taste of your dish.
As a ‘high smoke point’ oil, Rice Bran makes sure that your dish not only can be cooked the way it’s meant to be prepared, it also ensures that it tastes just right!
Low-Fat & Low-Calorie Cooking
Did you know that a one-second spray only contains about 7 calories and 1 gram of fat? In comparison, a tablespoon of butter and olive oil contain over 100 calories and 12 to 14 grams of fat, respectively.
If you are looking for a healthier diet, look no further!
Well, What About Barbecues
Not a problem at all! As you may already know, oil sprays are great for barbecues, and is usually preferred for lubricating your grills prior to cooking!
Just a heads up, never—NEVER—oil the BBQ; oiling the food is more than sufficient.
Keeping Avocados from Browning And Sticky Ingredients from Sticking
Fun fact: spraying an avocado with non-stick cooking spray can create an oxygen-proof barrier. It works—surprise!—better than rubbing on oil or wrapping the avocado with plastic wrap.
And last but not least—cooking spray keeps stubborn, sticky ingredients like honey or peanut butter from sticking to the inside of your favourite measuring cup!
After all, cooking spray is really just a pressurized and watered-down oil. So don’t worry if that’s not your thing, feel free to use olive oil or avocado oil as substitutes—they’re unique in their own ways!
Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @eatthekiwihk!

foggy season goodness
It’s March, meaning the misty and foggy season of the year is in full swing! For those of us who fear the worst that humidity has to offer — which includes affecting our bodily functions and moods — fear not, as we’ve done some research and gathered a list of food that will help you with just that.
First of all, and this might surprise you, but increase your liquid intake!
We know this might surprise you, but it’s not without a reason — increasing water intake, according to researches, have the magical power of helping you mitigate mood swings, which is also one of the many causes of fatigue!
We aren’t just talking about water here either — try juices, teas, and of course, coconut water! What’s more, polyphenols — known for keeping your blood pressure levels and blood vessels in check, hence promoting good circulation — are found in young plants, including coconut water! They also make a natural source of antioxidants!
Also try out some bitter food
We get it — not everyone’s a fan of bitter food, but hear us out!
While the peculiar taste of many bitter and pungent-flavored goodness might not always be a popular item on the dinner table, some of these vegetables, such as broccoli and citrus (blood oranges, lemons, limes, and different grapefruits) are packed with calcium that help maintain your body’s core internal temperature!
High-fibre goodness are also good for you
Are you a fan of whole grains bread? As it turns out, high-fiber food such as berries, pears, peas, beans, potatoes (skin-on), and many other vegetables are also particularly good for this humid season!
Every single one of the these goodness has the ability to relax your muscle and nerve cells, as well as to increase the absorption of calcium in the blood stream alongside high levels of magnesium, helping you maintain a more constant body temperature!
Of course, this list is by no means conclusive — feel free to cater your meals to your own taste preference, but don’t forget to top them off with these healthy goodness!
At last, irregardless of whether you’re particularly sensitive to dampness or humid weather, the best tip that we can give is to eat seasonally! Stay in touch with us on social media @eatthekiwihk and find out what our latest seasonal products are!